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Town of BOONVILLENew York
grievance board
Any person who pays property taxes can grieve an assessment, including:
property owners
tenants who are required to pay property taxes pursuant to a lease or written agreement
Only the assessment on the current tentative assessment roll can be grieved - you can't grieve assessments from prior years.
There is no cost to grieve an assessment and it does not require you to hire a lawyer.
In Boonville, Grievance Day is the fourth Tuesday in May (May 26th, 2025 from 11:00AM - 1:00PM, 6:00PM - 8:00PM).
Click here for more infomation
Ned Ross (Chairman) - Term expires 09/30/25
Kelly Ulrich - Term expires 09/30/26
Mark White - Term expires 09/30/27

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